The enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it’s the illusion of knowledge (Stephen Hawking)

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so (Mark Twain)

Invest with smart knowledge and objective odds

True Luck!

What is true luck?

A hole in one in golf is lucky. Whatever the skills at the tee, for the ball to roll directly into the hole needs a bit of luck.

A 185-yard drive that carries right into the hole, and sits, like I did on September 2nd, is true luck.

Hooking, landing and safely releasing a 37-pound Atlantic salmon after a 50 minutes fight is more skills than luck.

Hooking a 40-pounder only 5 minutes after with the same fly is true luck. Beaching that 45-inch monster across the river after a 60-minute fight with a 12lb test leader and safely releasing it is true skills…and true luck.

Catching 77 pounds of Atlantic salmon within 2 hours will surely never happen to me again.

Living healthy with a beautiful person like Suzanne, sharing 5 healthy and happy children and, so far, 3 fabulous grand-children, that has to be true luck.

I am a truly lucky person. Some skills, hard work, but true luck to top it all to allow me to enjoy life surrounded by loving and caring people.

Whatever our skills, whatever our work ethics, however we take care of our body, we still need true luck to carry on healthily.

Skills we can improve, work ethics we can increase, body care we can enhance. Regardless, we still need true luck to remain healthy.

Rather than echoing the conventional “Happy New Year”, I wish you all true luck during this new year. It may not help you at golf or fishing, but it may give you the privilege to be able to keep trying.

True luck is simply to be “unlucky” at this health lottery where we all wish our number never comes up. The salmon on the right surely knows what true luck is. All the best.


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